Awards 🏆

Best Paper Award


Characterizing and Filtering Timing Fluctuations in Short-Interval Performance Measurements
Qiucheng Liao and James Lin

Runner Up

Brug: An Adaptive Memory (Re-)Allocator
Weikang Weng, Alexandru Uta and Jan S. Rellermeyer


Brug: An Adaptive Memory (Re-)Allocator
Weikang Weng, Alexandru Uta and Jan S. Rellermeyer

Characterizing and Filtering Timing Fluctuations in Short-Interval Performance Measurements
Qiucheng Liao and James Lin

Reviving Storage Systems Education in the 21st Century — An experience report
Animesh Trivedi, Matthijs Jansen, Krijn Doekemeijer, Sacheendra Talluri and Nick Tehrany

SCALE Challenge Award

A Distributed, Asynchronous Algorithm for Large-Scale Internet Network Topology Analysis
Youssef Elmougy, Akihiro Hayashi and Vivek Sarkar