Track 7: Distributed and Parallel Storage Systems
With data a first-class citizen in cloud, cluster, and Internet computing operations, topics in systems to persist and store the data, short- and long-term, are essential to the CCGRID community. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Storage system design and implementation, including of distributed/parallel and local file systems, key-value, caches, NoSQL, and data stores; Cloud and edge storage systems and caches; etc.
- HW/SW co-design for storage systems
- Emerging storage technologies and accelerations, storage devices and interfaces, including but not limited to NVMe, ZNS, KV-SSDs, Flash, Z-NAND, Optane storage, persistent memories, emerging storage solutions with accelerators (CXL), etc.
- Empirical evaluations and experience papers with operational/product storage services
- Quality-of-service (QoS), scalability, efficiency, dis-aggregation, consolidation, or specialization (domain-specific, programmability) of storage
- FAIR datasets, data collection and tracing frameworks, sharing, and reproducible research
- Storage system benchmarking approaches
- Storage profiling (e.g., Darshan and related tools) and use of storage profiles
- Data provenance, compression, deduplication, privacy, integrity
- Data and metadata management particularly related to interactions with storage
Track Chairs
Animesh Trivedi, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Yifeng Zhu, University of Maine, USA
Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Lab, USA