Track 2: Software Systems and Platforms (for Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing)
Cluster, cloud, and Internet computing depend on deployment and use of software systems and platforms. The structure and interplay between the programming model, which exposes system capabilities to the developer, and the resource management and scheduling architecture, which defines what the system can manage largely on its own, is of great interest to the CCGRID community. An emerging operational (non-functional) concern, energy efficiency and awareness, is a hot topic for this track. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Programming Models and Runtime Systems: Programming models, languages, systems and tools/environments. Virtualization, containers and middleware technologies. Programming parallel and distributed systems. Actors, agents and programming decentralized computing systems.
- Resource Management and Scheduling: Resource allocation algorithms, profiling, modeling. Cluster, cloud, edge, continuum and internet computing scheduling and meta-scheduling techniques. Utility computing. IaaS, PaaS, SaaS.
- Energy-efficient software/applications: Policies, methods and tools for energy-efficient computing. Energy-efficiency evaluation methods, metrics, and tools. Energy consumption models.
Track Chairs
Ana Gainaru, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
Qing (Gary) Liu, NJIT, USA
Lorenzo Carnevale, University Messina, Italy